(The available stud dogs are classified in alphabetical order. You can click on the corresponding picture to send an email to the owner of the given stud dog.)

List L to Q

Lackyle Diabhal DearhchloLackyle Diabhal Dearhchlo

(CH.Carnig Positive Profil x CH.Lackyle Ceal Na Olc)
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DoB 20/03/06 - Height 41,5 cm

Cotation/Titre/Tests santé (Cotation/Title/Health test): Irl.CH, UK.CH, L2HGA / HC Clear, ADN

Localisation : Irland

Envoi de semence (Shipping Semen): OUI / YES

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Lackyle Diabhal OgLackyle Diabhal Og

(CH.Knockon the Divil Himself at Kilvara x Lackyle Solas Na Gealai)
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DoB 22/07/02 - Height 40.7cm

Cotation/Titre/Tests santé (Cotation/ Title/ Health test):
Irl.CH, UK.CH, INT.CH, L2HGA / HC Clear, PHPV unaffected, ADN

Localisation : Irland

Envoi de semence (Shipping Semen): OUI / YES

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Nissan of Road Slade Czech

(Eduard van Slade Czech x Appolenka Penn Staff )
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DoB 07/03/10 - Height 40cm

Cotation/Titre/Tests santé (Cotation/ Title/ Health test):
J.CH Russia , CH.Russia , CH.RKF, B.Junior French Championship, Best Junior Eurasia 2011 , L2HGA / HC Clear

Localisation : Russia

Envoi de semence (Shipping Semen):

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